Dammit Dolls

Dammit Dolls
Dammit Dolls

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dammit Doll origins

In the small town of Temagami in northern Ontario I first read about Dammit Dolls. Upon further investigating I found several elderly ladies who were cancer survivers who were making these dolls as grief therapy aids for themselves and others.

In the comfort of their homes these "Dolls", as they now call themselves, take scraps of fabric and make these small miracles. A simple act of sharing that has a meaningful impact on people who are grieving.

I requested a dozen to hand out to my employees who have been told they, or one of their loved ones, have a terminal desease. The nice lady who responded to my request would not accept any remuneration for providing the 'DAMMIT DOLLS'. She related that she did this as therapy for herself by keeping her hands busy during the long lonely hours.

These 'DAMMIT DOLLS' have been handed out for quite a while. The local newspaper, The Temagami Talker, had an article about the local legion having a 'thank you' luncheon for the ladies who get together and make these dolls in their spare time. The group now has been labeled "THE DAMMIT DOLLS".

As a long time compulsive volunteer in the community I can envision the concept of DAMMIT DOLLS spreading out to people and groups who have been in grief or are grieving as both a hobby and an opportunity to reach out to others in grief to offer a helping hand.

I invite you to make inquiries as I have also developed a pattern and procedure to make these dolls that I can publish on this blog as my contribution to the community.